Transforming disaster risk governance in the Asia-Pacific

This is a powerful article written by Atiq Kainan Ahmed, one of the prominent DRR and CRM experts in the Asia-Pacific region. This article was published as an OP-ED in 'The Jakarta Post ' and sends a mindful message to the DRR, climate, development, and risk management communities. Although much progress has been made in risk governance since the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami, the community still failed to anticipate this massive pandemic of COVID-19. We are still taking our actions in 'silos' and 'doomed into our own domains' the article says. It flags the need to break out of these silos before moving ahead with any wholesale effort of transformation or change in the future. It says, we need to 'rethink passionately' before attempting any meaningful change or positive transformation. One has to come out of their siloed comfort zones first and then look for solutions that are conducive to the whole system with coherence.

Contact: Atiq Kainan Ahmed

Project Dates: December 2020

Keywords: Disaster, Climate, Risk, Governance, Asia-Pacific, Transformation, Resilience