Members > Petra Kuenkel

Co-Founder and Executive Director, Collective Leadership Institute gGmbH

Petra Kuenkel is an accomplished author and a leading strategic advisor to pioneering international multi-stakeholder initiatives that tackle common goods and sustainability issues. As a Member of the Club of Rome and the Co-Founder and Executive Director of the Collective Leadership Institute, she promotes the scaling-up of global transformation and system's theory awareness as well as leadership and collaboration skills for people from the private sector, public sector and, civil society.
She is a thought leader on re-inventing leadership as a collective competence and her practical work is grounded in living systems and complexity science. She has a profound background in conceptualizing leadership development in multinational corporations and in dialogic change as an approach to transformation in complex social systems. Furthermore, she wrote several publications, for example, the ground-breaking book "The Art of Leading Collectively", published in the US by Chelsea Green Publishing.
Petra Kuenkel created the Collective Leadership Compass - a systemic meta-level guiding tool for navigating complex change in a collaborative way to enhance the 2030 Agenda for the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It focuses on invigorating co-creative human interaction patterns as core drivers of transition processes and empowers leaders and change agents to navigate collaboration and multi-stakeholder initiatives successfully into a sustainable future.

Key research Interests: Global transformation, system theory, leadership competences, collaboration competences